
HoneyBooks is a long-awaited vision created by a mom and early childhood educator. When Crystal was a child she loved to read. Books were one of her favorite activities and she could read a book for hours. Sometimes she preferred to read a book rather than go out to play.  When she grew up and became an educator, she ensured that her classroom had material that represented all the children and their families. Now, as a mother Crystal wants her daughter to learn that it is important to respect everyone and cherish their differences. 

On a trip to visit family in another province, Crystal headed to her usual bookstores. While she was there, she went to the children's section and as usual she was in heaven. The feeling she got when she looked through the beautiful illustrations had sent her back to her past. On her way back to Montreal Crystal formulated a plan to create a company that will generate the same feeling to others. However, Crystal knew that she wanted her company to incite a new message. One where all people can feel welcomed. She created a bookstore that would incorporate an inclusive atmosphere.

The products found on Honeybooks.ca has been carefully curated to include people of all colours, languages, cultures, sexualities, and abilities. She recognizes the importance of making sure children are heard. She recognizes that children / young people need to see themselves through character representation and the importance of this representation being positive.

“Continue to let your light shine and stay true to who you need to be.”

                                                                               - Crystal Charles